This is my place on the web. Eventually, you’ll find below all manner of publications, blog posts, microblog posts, and essays. Some of this content was previously hosted on my academic website at Columbia and on a Jekyll blog that was hosted on GitHub Pages. You can also find me on Mastodon.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqsIiGulf-CIdGxZNi1wSHhIemxCVnpvV2k4RUFPR2c Guide to use:
‘Concerts’ tab includes all concerts, dates and soloists.
‘List of works’ tab allows filtering by composer, to select dates.
More features to come, if there’s a demand.
I turn my focus to a concert I had the pleasure to attend in the Hawkswell Theatre, Sligo. Just over two weeks ago, The Bad Plus performed – to a house of less than 30 – music which each time it is performed, betrays the dependence of so much of western art music on the figure of Igor. Stravisnky, of course, penned the Rite of Spring for a large-sized orchestra with a swollen horn section and The Bad Plus are (just?
Right, so we’re jam-packed with content. Being a viewer or a listener is as much about the process of triage as it is about the experience of the work itself. Gone are the days of piped content, decisions made in Montrose, Broadcasting House or further afield have decreasing influence on the media that we take the time out of our day to consume. Surely this is a liberating experience, what with the autonomy of selection firmly granted to the individual.
One of the tenets of the productivity oik David Allen’s philosophy of, well, productivity is that one should clear the mind of all tasks that are floating within by committing them to paper, thereby freeing up valuable brain cycles that were previously spent on worrying about what to do, and spending them entirely on doing them - or at least, slaking through a prioritised list and doing such things one by one.
Vimium is a Google Chrome extension which provides keyboard shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of the Vim editor.
I’ve started to learn Python. It’s notoriously quick to protoype ideas for apps (we are told) and my experience this evening is that it is. My end goal is server-side web app development and to this end, I’ve also been investigating AppEngine. More on that anon, perhaps.
My main reference was a little bit jurassic class in Python offered here:
Interest in aviation rekindled by stumbling upon some impressive home-built flight simulator decks, I recalled the METAR standard for meteorological reports.
Using Google Chrome, it’s possible to search the TCD library catalogue by typing your directly into the URL bar.
Click the wrench icon, head to Preferences…, click Manage Search Engines… Then, add a new search engine titled TCD Catalogue (or similar), choose a short memorable keyword (I use ’lib’) and copy and paste the following URL into the rightmost form field (saving your changes):
Now, in any new window or tab, type your keyword into the URL bar, hit tab, type your search terms and hit enter!
Once upon a time, I was inclined to imagine the development of musical thought and expression as taking place in a strictly linear fashion. It was irresistible to conceive of the Renaissance masters as primitive musical actors in relation to those of the Classical period, and likewise to construe the Classic school as worthy of merit, sure, but technically inferior to that of the late Romantics. The argument was simple: harmonic complexity seemed to me to reach its peak at the turn of the 20th century (we’ve all heard this claim in one guise or another) and given both this purported pinnacle and the correlate “development” of civilisation, it was no great step to extrapolate a continuum of decreasing complexity right back to the primordial element of western art music, chant.
If you are a little bit creeped out as you trawl through your shiny new Timeline, I sympathise. There’s something unsettling about a chronology of your putative ’life’ as a linear sequence of events, starting with a cheery event marking your birth, that is, your entry into this planet and your subsequent coalescence of consciousness. Thanks for reminding me, Mark.
The interesting thing about all this is that, more or less, all the information displayed in the timeline has already been collected about you.
Alexandre Daudet (clarinet) Catherina Lemoni-O’Doherty (piano) BERNSTEIN, MUCZYNSKI, REICH
June 7th, 2011 - Boydell Recital Room, Trinity College Dublin
In 1886, Camille Saint-Saëns completed the now-popular The Carnival of the Animals, a playful suite for orchestra depicting in sound a noisy menagerie of hens, elephants, tortoises and jackals - amongst others (The flamingos of the animated Disney realisation of the Finale are a later addition of some artistic director or another on Walt Disney’s Fantasia team).